The run of time
The run of time is inexorable, seconds, minutes, hours, days …. They do not run, they fly by … Why so swiftly, so irrevocably … And it’s not even about … that life is short, nothing returns…and blah blah blah… now we means other thing.. in the fact that we do not have time to feel this or that moment, ops… and it has already turned to the past. But sometimes we can manage to live it and fix a #moment. The morning ray of the sun fell on a soft pillow, makes us squint, turn and stretch. Or the moment when, after a long journey, we open the door of our house.
#Memory, here is our answer to all of this imtervals of time carried away for ever. Snatching them on the fly, we carefully store them, not allowing to dissolve in space.
#ekaterinamungalova #ekaterinamoong #graphicdesigner#graphicdesign #design #symbols #lafrimeuse. #designer#onlinemagazinelafrimeuse #lavieestbelle #line #concept#conceptation #art #artwork #artworld #ontheedge #color #inspiration#aircraft #whendesigninspires #abstraction #love #illustration #drawing#digitalart #vector #diagonal #geometric #abstract #time