Inktober 2017 (Sketches)
If you know, every year ( since 2009) the marathon of daily drawings takes place in Instagram during October. If you haven’t known it I would like to present my result of 31 day’s working. The different theme was given every day, sketches were made by ink.
The day 31 of inktober
Mask. Today is the last day of the month of the marathon of daily drawings, and I have felt even sad that it ended. It was fun. And most importantly, victory over the laziness is gained.
The day 30 of inktober
Found. The story of miraculous luck for the pirate continues. He found a treasure! Everything is fine, life is good! But why when you reach a pique of your desires and aspirations and your goal is in your pocket , there is always someone who wants to bite you out of the corner.
The day 29 of inktober
Long, long ago, when there was still magic in the world and things were not always what they seemed to be… One princess lived… And her guard was a mystic unicorn… People told many legends about it… Some were sure that magic animal was a prince cursed by a evil witch, others thought of all of this was just foolish fantasy… But we believe in the bright feeling of love, tenderness and thankfulness, that could break any magic powers, turn them into to real humans and unite these beloved hearts.
The day 28 of inktober
Fall. My pirate started to settle on new place and found a nice company there. But he has some trouble with getting food and leading usual lifestyle of that island, that occurred to be inhabited.
The day 27 of inktober
Climb. Do you remember my pirate, who boldly fought against gigantic waves. Good news! He survived and reached an uninhabitant island. He tried to climb its rocky banks for searching some shelter.
The day 26 of inktober
Squeak. Are you afraid that small but a such awful monster?
The day 25 of inktober
Ship. Don’t give up!
The day 24 of inktober
Blind. “Don’t be a blind weapon in hands of a stranger.”
The day 23 of inktober
Juicy. Perhaps, there is one astonishing place, where beautiful girls pick up some nectar of amazing flowers with charming scent, tasty juices of exotic fruits flow down from the mountains, only spring changes summer. The juicy and careless life waits everyone at that land.
The day 22 of inktober
Trail. The episode 3 of my story “How deep is your love ?” Poor woman are following for her escaped man. I hope she ll turn her energy to other way and learn to respect herself.
The day 21 of inktober
Furious. This drawing continues my previous one: “How deep is your love “. But don’t overuse the deep feeling of your half it could be lead to unpredictable aftermath.
The day 20 of inktober
Deep. So how deep is your love, dear?
The day 19 of inktober
Cloud. Have you ever imagined that clouds were special things capable of taking any form, even the most insane, that our imagination dictated. Today they decided to be ice cream in my mind. My head wants ice cream and sleep. Have a nice day to everyone!
The day 18 of inktober
Filthy. Once upon a time there an ugly fish lived, but it had so soft soul, but many other fishes were feared by its appearance, and some even believed that it was filthy. And this poor fish wanted to communicate, it wanted to share its secrets with the friends, having fun, like the rest of the young marine population. But fate laughed at it, making a subtle soul inside an ugly body. Is it worth judging people only in appearance?
The day 17 of inktober
Graceful. The most graceful, elegant and desirable auto for me is corvette 1962. It s real #my dreamcar. The last modification of first generation (C1) of this #model. Generally this car has produced for over 60 years and live through already 7 generations… My ode to #Vette here
Fat. That’s case when excessive care leads to these results.
The day 15 of inktober
Mysterious. Long time ago, according to legends, a beautiful princess lived. Her castle was surrounded by a magical forest, no one could pass through it. Everybody was afraid to do that. Because those few brave souls, who tried from time to time, did not return from there. This mysterious beauty appeared every day high in the sky, the cover on which she was standing was carried by birds. There were a lot of them, some replaced others, while cheerfully chirping. No one knew, where she flew , she always returned back but until midnight.
The day 14 of inktober
Fierce. Once, one cunning sorcerer invented the elixir of power. All his life he dreamed turned from a humpbacked frail old man to become a giant with physical strength. This ability along with his sophisticated mental abilities would give him power over the world. Finally becoming a ruler, he allowed all his resentments, memories of humiliation, when he was a hunchback overcome all reasonable things. His cruelly and fierce crossed all sides. But he does not yet know that in the end he is doomed, because his vassals were getting lose their patience. As we know, politics is a delicate thing.
The day 13 of inktober
Teeming. Long time ago A beautiful girl lived in a small village on the shore. The wind of sea breezes invited her to distant lands. The feeling of freedom made her stupefy, she wanted to float under a white sail. But one cunning sorcerer kidnapped the girl, imprisoned in his castle, and so that she did not exactly run away, reduced her size and put to a adorned bowl of a fountain of oblivion.
She forgot all her desires, played with splashes of water, floated on an inflatable mattress and enjoyed her unburdened life. But fate offered her a choice. One fairy after learning the story of a beautiful woman regretted her and decided to give her a hand of help. One drop of water from the jug will fill this bowl and throw out the mattress with the girl. The path to freedom would be opened. But … Now the girl did not want this, she was used to her useless, but carefree imprisonment. The girl begged the fairy to leave everything as it was.
But the wise wizard woman said: “Do not be afraid of difficulties and changes, because this is life given to us only once, go and taste it, but it can be bitter from a sense of failure and vexation, spicy from dangers and risk, but it can be sweet and tasty from love and pleasure, and stupefying from a sense of freedom and success. Do you want to give it up, not even try? ”
And what would you answer fairies?
The day 12 of inktober
Shattered. This is not a mirror cracked, the soul flies to pieces. What a torment is to love and hate at the same time. It is unbearable to wear this gift from a once-beloved person. After all, each bead as an element of an invisible chain, still connecting former lovers.. You can tear it, but will it be easier.
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