August Vilella. Transformation of mental vibrations
Emotions awaken Feelings …. Feelings make us Alive and Life in all its manifestations is beautiful. Fears, desires, dreams and sensations….they live in our subconscious.
Curiosity, 2016, private collection, oil, canvas
Can we communicate at a level more subtle than just words, signs. Can we transport our spiritual vibrations through more delicate substance? True art that doesn’t link with the conjuncture. It does not tolerate falseness or boring cliche. Only true art can convey such a message.
August Vilella, an artist from Barcelona, which creativity is a special world he appeals to the viewer primarily at a subconscious level. There is nothing more interesting than asking the artist about his works.
Time, 2017, oil, canvas
Could you tell us about yourself, And first of all, how have you come to your art? You depict you method as surreal- intuitive. Mystical creatures come to you as a dream or a sudden flash?
As long as I have been remembering myself, art has always been a part of my life, part of my personality. Previously, I preferred music, poetry and painting, that is why I enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University and founded several musical groups, while continuing to paint.
I was literally tore myself to pieces, I was sorely lacking in time for everything. Having made an effort, I decided to focus on painting, because in my opinion, this is the fastest and direct way of the creator’s conversion to the world. There are no linguistic, cultural or other barriers.
The Poet, 2016, oil, canvas
When creating my work, I use my own method is intuitive surrealism. What is it? , I directly automatically project my feelings and moods, my experiences and emotions on the canvas without sketches and sketches, without preliminary ideas and ideas. In general, surrender to the power of creativity, freeing myself completely from my sensations and everything that surrounds me in life. Therefore, for me it is impossible to explain where the characters and themes of my work are born. I like to compare my work with jazz.
Birthday, 2015, oil, canvas
What is the philosophic aspect of your creativity, could we all be connected with others via subconsciously way?
It is impossible to cover all the philosophical aspects of my works, because they don’t set any frameworks for their understanding. I believe that if we could freely communicate among ourselves in the language of our subconscious, it would contribute to the transformation of our soul and the world as a whole. In general, my oeuvre is directed at this. I believe that when a work comes out of the power of its creator, it begins to belong to the whole world, exists for everyone, everyone can see in it a reflection of their inner state, and no doubt, the pictures begin to live their own life, and they want to be seen, unraveled and felt.
Alise, 2016, oil, canvas
Eyes, I think you are tired to answer to this question, but I need to ask, anticipating the interest of our readers to it. The eyes of your personages big and fill of emotions… Somewhere they look like naive, curious or astonish, somewhere they express scary, desperation or sadness. Could we find out their thoughts, penetrate to their subconscious by meeting these stares?
Through the eyes we can look into the innermost depths of the human soul. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. And, often, it is the eyes of my characters that are the mirrors of the souls of people who look at them.
Mother´s love, 2016, oil, canvas
Do you prefer to work with music or in absolute silence?
I prefer to work with music, it helps me completely to get rid of my thoughts.
If we make some a video of your art now, what would you choose music as background ?
An interesting question. I’ll have to think about this. Anyway, music, be it classical or modern, should match the mood of my work, be deep and emotional.
Please, don´t go, 2017, oil, canvas
What is your ideal day?
Most likely, it is possible to call my ideal any day a fruitful creative day or when I have communication with spectators at an exhibition, listening to opinions, impressions and thoughts of people.
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